
Beth Karlin, PhD

Beth brings a wealth of behavioral science knowledge and practice experience to her projects at Limetree. Along with collaborating with Limetree staff and clients on priority projects, she has spent the past decade using behavioral science to study and shape behavior for the greater good. In fact, Beth is currently working on projects to improve vaccination rates, engage young people in science, build resilient food systems and stem anthropogenic climate change.

Beth also founded and runs the See Change Institute, bringing together leading behavioral scientists and designers to help good people do good better through strategy, research and evaluation of behavior-based programs for social change.

Beth earned a doctorate degree in social ecology, with an emphasis in design-behavior research, from University of California at Irvine.

Beth is past president of the American Psychological Association’s Environmental Psychology Division, a Research Fellow at University of Southern California Norman Lear Center and a member of the National Academies of Science Environmental Health Matters Initiative.